Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Sunday, March 6, 2011


(Cheif ring-leader, Dan Pridemore with a nice one!)

Well, here they came,OMG.......I mean in droves! Yesterday marked the official end to the calm , quiet winter season on the Muskegon. It was a fricken boat show out there on Saturday!. Maybe 40 boats between Pine st. and Thornapple- more downstream. It was fun to watch the boats/anglers/ dusty guides who had "no clue where to fish" or park their boats to get good swings/drifts etc. The gravel seekers where out and on a "rampage"-the fish probably felt like the Polish horse drawn Army on Sept. 1st, 1939-when the German blitzkrieg came thundering down on them!- they went underground!
 Thank god for nasty weather that got most of the weekend warrior madness ( don't mean to offend anyone-it is actually good to see people having to work Monday thru Friday!-I applaud you!) off the river early. Most went home fish less and I could count on a few fingers of one hand the anglers that had some success.
(Tony with a nice brown- looks corn !-acyually she was very pregnant!)

 Jeff Bacon and I had the pleasure to guide the Dan Pridemore party on Friday and Saturday. Dan had his auto exec. clients with him and despite the ice and snow, everyone caught fish-despite almost having to wait a good amount of time just to fish a pool or run , since there was a boat or angler in all of them- mostly by twos!
(Jerry with his first steel on a fly rod!)

 I hate to "toot" our horns, but between me and Jeff we have 35 years of fly fishing guiding for steelhead on the mighty Muskegon, and it comes in handy when you have to fish "tertiary water". since all the prime holes are locked up and boats anchored on top of the fish holding buckets. We found fish and some nice ones-including a lake-run brown female that was just about ready to spawn-!.....yes spawn. I saw two new gravel beds dug on Friday, and with 33 degree water temps, they weren't steelhead beds.Last year I caught a large male brown in early March that squirted milt on me at photo time. The Seeforellen strain of browns(our fish still have some of that inter-mixed blood in them) are late winter spawners-despite browns being late fall/early winter spawners.
                                ( the Mowl-meister with last Weds. fish-an April last year drought breaker!)

River actually dropped to 1,800 yesterday-BUT- rain and an ice storm are coming. Fish still in winter mode and holding water.
 I'll be the main speaker at the National Capitol Trout Unlimited Show next weekend in Washington, D.C., but if you need to get out and fish, our guides will be ready to get you into fish- trout and steelhead! A guide that knows the river , fishes ethically and gets you on fish with a fly under crowded conditions, makes working Monday-thru-Friday worth the money!!

Cheers!- more chrome yet to come with higher waters!
(sorry for the shameless self pimp promotion!!!!-but-that is just the way it is my friends!- proof is in the images and happy smiles-can't BS here!)