Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Had a great trip back to Washington, D.C. this past weekend as the headline speaker at the National Capitol Trout Unlimited show. They had me running ragged doing master fly casting classes, a spey casting demo and two presentations on Great Lakes steelhead, salmon (both Atlantics and Pacifics) and lake-run browns- also a tail water and spring creek trout presentation. Here I debuted my our new "SELECTIVITY" DVD we shot this past year and the response was overwhelming! I only had a small sample 6 dvds with me and had about 50 people that wanted them right after the presentation- I guess that is a good sign! It was shot on NY/PA's west branch of the Delaware and Catskill streams, PA spring creeks, Michigan's tail waters, WI/MN spring creeks and Montana's Paradise Valley spring creeks. I will be showing it this Saturday at the Chicago Fly Fishing Outfitters with my two presentations at 3:00 and 5:00.
  ALSO SOME BIG FINAL NEWS!!!-........that new world record IGFA land-locked Atlantic salmon  client Tom Aufiero caught with me is finally OFFICIAL!!!, and listed on their web site and is good news for Michigan in a constant barrage of what seems like bad press news.
Meanwhile, back on the Muskegon, each day sees new arriving fresh steelhead as the water warms up- but we still have a ton of snow and the reservoirs are still frozen. We still have a few openings for April and we would love to have you join us for a what promises to be an exciting spring steelhead season given the good sized fish we saw last fall and this winter. Water at 2400 cfs and 36 F.
 The early black stone flies have started to hatch and Jay-one of our guides- saw a few fish targeting them on the surface yesterday.Also, slamon sac-fry are hatching!
Got to get ready for the next three days guiding and back to Chicago!
 Cheers and Tight lines!