Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We are really starting to see the post Valentine's push of steelhead and it is impressive! All indications are this spring will be a great one with'very good sized steelhead' so far.The heavy snow-(foot and more) Sunday night, plus now the colder temps and a slight warm-up, will continue to bring fresh fish in-March and April will be great months!
The full moon plays such a huge migratory impression on the steelhead's neuroendocrine pineal/hormonal glands since it doesn't allow for much build -up of melatonin in the bloodstream-thus causing excellent upstream migrations. Last weeks thaw brought the water up to 3,000 cfs-now down to 2,100 cfs with the single digit nights. This roller coaster has had positive results on the migratory steelhead. Besides....the trout fishing has been excellent. The rainbows and browns have some of the most vibrant colors at this time of year.
Had the pleasure of guiding Dr.John Murphy and daughter Lindsey who did a magnificent job with their landed steelhead- plus got four beautiful colored -up nice rainbows. Lindsey who is at Beaumont hospital starting a bright new career hasn't fished for steels in two years and did an amazing job landing her huge buck broke water three times in very cold weather and she handled it incredibly well.....go girl!
Water temp dropped back down to 34, but the fish are acting like it is spring.

 We still have a few choice dates available for spring both at the Trout&Eagle and Gray Drake- don't wait too long!