Epicurean Angler-Matthew Supinski's Selectivity/Nexus Blog- Everything Trout/Steelhead/Salmon

Epicurean Angler-Matthew Supinski's Selectivity/Nexus Blog- Everything Trout/Steelhead/Salmon
Showing posts with label Cumberland Valley Limestone spring creeks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cumberland Valley Limestone spring creeks. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2021



In case you haven't seen it yet, Laurie and I have been launching a cool new magazine concept.The new issue just came out Jan 15th- our second issue, and the accolades and subscripotions we atre recieveing have been truly amazing!- we hope you can come to this passion and journeyt for all things trout/steelhead /salmon fly fishing.

The winter issue has amazing pieces on winter spring creeks, cold weather steelheading, how to fish winter tailwaters and the snowbound early black stonefly hatch...plus 12 departmental columns on evry facet of the sport! 175 pages, 450 color images, 40 fly patterns and recipes and even my gourmey food and spirits column!

Hope you can join us on the passion and journey for what we all love!...to subscribe come to our website...https://hallowedwaters.com/

Hope to see you in a better and brighter 2021 at the Gray Drake!
Matt & Laurie

Friday, March 11, 2016



Hope to see all my Mid-Atlantic/& Southern friends next weekend at this fabulous event at Mossy Creek Fly Fishing !...Love the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia in the springtime- a very, very special place! If you have never been there ( calling out to my Buds!... in DC/ PA/MD/WV/NC), you owe it to yourself to check it out...between the Blue Ridge mountain wild trout streams( their mayfly hatches have already started) and the gorgeous limestone spring creeks, it is a TROUT MECCA!..BTW, my Sunday 'Selectivity Mastering Spring Creeks-'Boots in Water' class is 'sold out' ( thanks everyone!), but so much water to explore down there-- gonna be a great party, awesome BBQ and the Fly Fishing Film Tour Saturday night...book a room at one of the local ski resorts, B&B, hotels, and enjoy Virginia's finest destination and the wonderful, friendly/ hospitable folk of Ole' Virginia....Na Zdrowie ya'll !

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Hope to see you in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley at Mossy Creek Fly Fishing's Open House !

(image of Mossy Creek- a limestone gem- Colby Trow)

          It is gonna be a great two days!...March 19th and         20th...hope you can join us in the magnificent Shenandoah/Cumberland limestone valley!...

                                      here is the Link:

(clinics and seminars will focus on difficulty/fussy spring creek, tailwater and freestone trout....plus steelhead and Atlantic salmon)
( a Mossy Spring Creek 28 " brown...circa 1987, caught under that bridge pictured above,  from my old Wash. D.C. days- the Shenandoah Spring creeks , mountain brook trout streams and tailwaters are very special places in American trout fishing!)
( Mossy creek reminds me of many Montana 'big sky-open valley spring creeks)

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Looking at Epicurean Gourmet Trout Snobs- buon appetito !

Looking at how fussy, ultra selective trout become epicurean gourmet snobs, PFP ( predator foraging profiles) and 5 new effective patterns- more reflections on the Letort Spring Run... thank you Ross Purnell for inspiring me to write this piece from a 'foodie' perspective... two things I'm passionate about: gourmet food and selective trout- I'm very critical of my work, but I think this could be my best piece yet- enjoy!..also a great article from friend Simon Gawesworth on how to get Atlantic salmon and steelhead to ' crush your fly' ...on sale now at newsstands/fly shops/ subscriptions...cheers/na zdrowie, have a great trout ,steelhead and salmon filled autumn!...also a better image of the #16 Baetis BWO wiggle nymph featured that is a killer on the swing with a Frank Sawyer- like ascent to the surface at the end of the drift

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sunday, May 3, 2015


                                       MAY 16/17TH, HAGERSTOWN MARYLAND
                                                              BEAVER CREEK

Many do not know that Beaver Creek was one of the first 'FLIES-ONLY' streams in the country back in the 1930's. Having had hatchery effluent problems, habitat degradation and siltation problems over the decades since hurricane Agnes came through in the 70's. Beaver
 Creek is now back! Thanks to the help of TU/FFF, Watershed Council, Chesapeake Watershed grant money and the creeks Watershed council and Maryland DNR, wild browns are once again thriving along with fat healthy rainbows. When I lived in Washington, DC for a decade back in my hotel executive days, I fished Beaver Creek almost weekly and worked with the biologists to establish wild brown trout- 30 years later it is now a success!
Join the Author and guide for an intimate in-depth, two day clinic- Saturday and Sunday, May 16th/17th. Learn to crack the code of the Selectivity stages and understand Cumberland Valley limestone spring creek/tailwater trout -like the Beaver and Savage River offers. Having guided tailwaters and spring creeks for over 28 years, I am well familiar with these fussy fisheries. 

 Most importantly , learn and understand my views on diagnostics for ' PREDATOR FORAGING PROFILES (PFP ),-( in my new upcoming Fly Fisherman Magazine article), which will make many of my  observations of spring creek and tailwater trout foraging more obvious and understood to properly present the right offering and style.
Two days of classroom clinics, learning to tie some new scud/crustacea patterns, blue-winged olives/ wiggle nymphs, getting ready for the sulphur hatch emergers, and the final delectables of spring creek and tailwater trout!- midges/chironomidae, and terrestrials.
Both days will revolve heavily on 'boots in water', on-stream instruction- study trout behavior, learn entomology, read 'taking water based on PFP, and understand perfect leviathan big brown holding water for sculpinating -sometimes it is so bloody obvious we walk right past it!!!. 
Learning to use your fly rod arsenal  by incorporating short and tucked modified single handed spey casts in the tight brush and tree cover that small streams command- ESPECIALLY BEAVER!!!-  attention to when presentation perfection- upstream/downstream- when to apply them- based on PFP, is all part of the gig !
Saturday night is an intimate dinner and cocktail hour to discuss comments/progress/ ..whatever is on your mind!- with a guest speaker from the Maryland DNR, and Watershed Council.
 I am embarking on a series of 'Selectivity Clinics' nationwide and next year in Europe- my homeland!
Hope to see you!

any questions, concerns that 'you are novices' is not a problem- the gig is all about learning!- fly fishing is a complete empirical laboratory, where your minds are allowed to wonder and have fun!