( Master steelheader Chris Desmond from Chicago, with one of two absolute beasts of mint chrome fall steelhead I've seen in 24 years of guiding ( hitting upper teens/20 lbs/38-39 inches, massive girth)
It has been an excellent and early start to our fall steelheading winter Michigan strain steelhead runs of the Muskegon 2019/2020. With the best high water levels I've seen in decades, and a massive size (20-30 lbers) of spawning wild Chinook salmon fish unleashing a barrage of eggs into the river system, streelhead have been responding to the pheremonal lure of all the egg caviar and are on the poaching hunt for eggs. They are also slamming a well presented intruder on the two handed swing.
The steelhead run starts to peak in November and December on the Muskegon, with a hopeful bunch of large lake-run browns also to follow. That is when swinging flies really gets into its prime element....see you this fall and winter!
( Roy from CT yesterday 10/21 with one of the most beautiful female fall steelhead I've seen!, look at those gorgeous colors!)
NOTE: check out my client from last December as the true cover girl on this issue of Fly Fisherman Magazine, with her Muskegon steelhead, the very adorable and talented photographer: Jesssica DeLorenzo from PA, with a beast of a Muskegon December steelhead, also my very concise article on getting to know winter steelhead, called "Icy Steel"
( coming next: Lake-Run Browns and fall Great Lakes Atlantic Salmon!)