Epicurean Angler-Matthew Supinski's Selectivity/Nexus Blog- Everything Trout/Steelhead/Salmon

Epicurean Angler-Matthew Supinski's Selectivity/Nexus Blog- Everything Trout/Steelhead/Salmon

Monday, June 20, 2016

Selectivity Book Comments/Review

I was VERY honored to receive the comments below Saturday from one of the  biologists I have a high degree of respect for- Gary Whelan: Project Manager/Research for the Michigan DNR. 

Gary , who is a fly fisher and has traveled extensively and knows progressive fisheries management like no other, was the former Director of Hatcheries for Michigan and was instrumental in developing the FERC "run -of - river " flows for the Muskegon/Manistee/Au Sable during their unprecedented re-licensing. 

He predicted that The Muskegon's food supply and salmonid natural reproduction of salmon/steelhead, and incredible growth rates of trout will occur as a result of the increase in bio food mass from stable flows/ bubbler oxygen/ temperature controls, which enhances the benthic and migratory ecosystem environment. 

Any time I get comments form biologists,  they are the most important barometer and index for me to judge that my vision and work was 'dead on' the subject and not just my hypothesis/rambling/theories and emotional anthropomorphism ( which was often brought to my attention from my beloved editor J. Nichols ), which has often been my critics best case for rebuttal,  since I love this subject matter and live it passionately  ...Thanks Gary!!! 

" Matt,

I wanted to let you know that I am reading your book right now that I was able to get through interlibrary loan.  It is both factual and very well done with outstanding photos.  It is my opinion that you got the biology correct which many fishing books just miss.  You should be very proud of this piece of prose and I intend to add a copy to my personal library.

Super work.  Hope all else is well and that fishing is still going well up there.

Take best of care,

Gary-6/19/16 "