Epicurean Angler-Matthew Supinski's Selectivity/Nexus Blog- Everything Trout/Steelhead/Salmon

Epicurean Angler-Matthew Supinski's Selectivity/Nexus Blog- Everything Trout/Steelhead/Salmon

Monday, August 3, 2009


I'm sure my skeptical followers will skoff at this report..........go for it guys....... but it is true!. Today I had Dan Gutchewsky, his Dad Jim and Dave Skillman from St.Loius,MO for some summer steelheading.

Dan hooked and landed his first summer run chrome buck.........BUT..........it's how he did it!

Since fishing for summer skams since 1989, I've always noticed that fresh fish had a tendency to look up -especially in skinny water.Over the years, we've had summer runs hit strike indicators to the point that I started using a deer hair spun Chartruese and Orange Bomber strike indicator to imitate the Thill ice-and float indys we used to use(now using floatman's).

Anyways, we've hit maybe less than a dozen fish over the last ten years on top........still formidibale.

Over the years, good freind and master steelheader, Bob Bemmer came up with a lethal bivisible hackled scud, waterboatman dry/wet pattern that produced summer skams when none could.I recently experemented with adding orangs foam with a bushy, wakeable profile.