Epicurean Angler-Matthew Supinski's Selectivity/Nexus Blog- Everything Trout/Steelhead/Salmon

Epicurean Angler-Matthew Supinski's Selectivity/Nexus Blog- Everything Trout/Steelhead/Salmon

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Water is down and clear and Ladies Rule!

The" steelhead Queen",Shawn Murphy,who has been plauged by below zero,floods,wind storms and all kinds of nasty weather on her last trips finally scored a nice male on a Niagara Gold ripple crush on Saturday 3/14 breaking a long draught and much needed fish.Also,Dr.Gina Rooker from Pittsburgh Pa. cught her second nice steelhead of the year on a Pink and orange meth comet.Yo go girls.Water at 4,350 and dropping,clarity excellent,good numbers of fished moved in Monday.