Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Hexaritaville-It's On!

 It’s a swarms of a plague to a dry fly dopers delight, the largest mayflies on earth are emerging at dusk. The chance for the biggest brown trout of a lifetime awaits when the tug on the glow line in your hands after midnight is the drug. The iconic Hexagenia and Lithrobrancha ( Dark Drake) hatch is on! In the complete anthology Mayfly issue of Hallowed Waters Journal ( coming soon in hard copy glossy print) the big mayfly hatch is explored from every angle in “ The Mayfly Aristocracy” piece. Michigan “Hexaholics” like Pitzer, Lynch,Vanderwall and poet laureate Linsenman with his “ Hexaritaville” saga, delve deep into the dark side and things that go bump in the night... come and subscribe to

The passion of the Trout Bum starts here!

( Please watch water temperatures on your waters which are approaching or over the 70 degree mark. Fish colder spring- fed waters when possible. The bugs will hatch, the trout will feed, but a big brown fought hard in the middle of the night in warm water temps retained from a warm sunset , despite your release, might not live to see another Hex hatch! A big brown is a terrible thing to waste!)