Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Winter Steelhead Manifesto- An Obession


Coming in the winter issue of Hallowed Waters Journal..."Cold Steel Dreaming-An Obsessive Winter Steelheader's Manifesto". The complete Zen bible and passion on this brutal winter game that is a cult gig where endurance, karma, obsessive/compulsive Merlin-esque sorcery qualities are needed to often conjure up the deep freeze bite. The tactical and psych skinny is shared here by the top steelhead guide gurus form the Great Lakes to the Pacific northwest. The fisheries are changing, the tactics becoming more intense and refined, but the fish and the chase are still the burn for the dope and fix in this "tug is the drug" obsession...come to, your passion and journey starts here!-where all waters and the Trout/Steelhead/Salmon are sacred -subscribe today! #hallowedwatersjournal @Watershallowed #steelheadflyfishing #wintersteelheading #steelhead #flyfishing #greatlakessteelhead #pacificnorthweststeelhead #graydrake #steelheaddreams #matthewsupinski