Many 20 inch trout were caught during the insane 4 weeks of dense spinner falls that went on all day! The result is all the browns and rainbows are so fat, that 10 inch stockers will send you into their backng, since they are 10 inches long and 10 inches wide! The browns have been heavily fed and are buldging with very fat bellies.
Now, the Isonychias are on the water and creating more reasonable hatch matching equal ground since their numbers are sporadic but the trout seekng them....or throw big meaty streamers since the big browns will be seeking to fill a void in their stomachs!
Swing big Iso nymphs and soft hackles. Caddis , some olives, cahills are all in the mix.
Our rivers have never looked this good in decades with plenty of water and cool temperatures. We have openings this weekend so get out and enjoy the Muskegon like we have never seen in late summer predicted to come also!
Rich Felber's massive brown on the gray drake spinner (largest ever caught on a dry on the MO) was just a sign of great things to come for the Muskegon with the new trophy brown type III Regulations and massive brown trout fingerling stockings
Give us a call and come out to enjoy a nice cool traditional Michigan summer!