Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


(the oak tree in the Gray Drake Lodge backyard- all those black verticals are siphlonurus adults)
Right on schedule, the first gray drakes hatched on May 18th. The adults were very small- smallest I have ever seen them. But the alternatus drakes are usually  like that compared to the Quebencences which are larger. Last nights  29F 'global warming' temps and the bill freeze week we are having will slow them down since they migrated to the shorelines and those bank side water temps will slow them a bit.
(land born emergence stages by JGM Miller)
The cool wet weather we are having is perfect for the drakes like last year. Last year's hatch was one of the largest I have ever witnessed- so their are a gazillion nymphs ready to hatch.
Given the cool weather, the morning spinner falls will come late when the sun has had a chance to warm the trees. Also the evening spinner falls will be early. So look for gray drake spinners hovering above your body heat/ boat anytime from 10 am until dusk. Evening spinner falls will be early- 7-8 ish.
(very thick am and pm spinner mating flights)
( spinners, sunken spinner/emerger, double gang bang spinner)

NOW!!!!....we will see if these guys show up to the party!
NOTES: Don't forget about our weekend Gray Drake Selectivity clinics in June that I mentioned in a previous post and will be periodically announcing- great deal and great way to learn more about this amazing 6-8 week long hatch!