Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Saturday, August 9, 2014


The amazingingly cool summer of 2014 continues to break all sorts of records in a very positive way for the trout steelhead and Atlantic/Pacific salmon fly anglers. The summer Skamania steelhead run on the St. Joseph river and Indiana spring creeks has been the best we have seen since 1999/2001. The size and girth of the fish is exceptional and we are able to take them on all methods ...dry line nymphing and terrestrials, swinging etc. The run is a month late and continues to get better each week. Just spent the last 16 days guiding there and the results have been phenomenal.

Trout conditions,,,especially on the cooler than normal Muskegon tailwater have been exceptional. Upper river has caddis and midge hatches...lower river has white cahill stenos, tiny Pseudo BWO's, caddis. Iso's and early am tricos.This year's stockers are growing fat as footballs- especially the wild Gilchrist browns planted in June, and the holdovers are S/R Muskegon savvy as ever!...switch patterns often when you get refusals- don't forget the midges!. Some nice browns are being caught on the dry and cold night conditions are all that is forecasted....come out and see us!..cheers!