Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Friday, February 7, 2014


(Dry Line Steelhead Guru- Bill McMillan's Winter's Hope fly...please give us hope!)
( these bucks are waiting for you and me-pray hard we get to fish them someday-never have I been more humbled by winter..never!...boomers won't be able to speak naively about winter at cocktail parties by saying.."...remember when we were kids? those were winters! )

OK....we are all ready to loose our minds and souls- and our spirits have been broken with this winter from hell!!!!- oxymoron !..negative 5 F tonight. We set a new record today in Michigan that tied the 1936 record for most snow and cold temperatures...brutal. So the good news is we see light at the end of the tunnel. Looking to see a tropical balmy 30 F temperature by next week. Its amazing on the days that it is out of the below zero and single digits, when the thermometer hits 20F, it feels like a balmy 50F!  Our local propane company is in panic stage since they cant get propane,people are living in shelters and friends and families homes, don't know when they will get it ,and some devious merchants are holding onto their supply tripling the price- corrupt , sad and inhumane like another 1936 episode- Nazi Germany..:( .

But on the good news front,  Consumers Power has been letting tons of water out of the dam- 2,000 cfs- water is open and no ice. The trout are fat as footballs and there is plenty of steelhead in the river.We will have tons of water this year with all the snow, and we are looking at a cool summer according to long term weather modeling- 60F will feel like the 90's! We are taking reservations for the rest of the winter and spring and ready to reschedule those that we had to cancel this winter due to sub-zero temperature...only gets better.
                                                           (looking at warmer days!!..warm days on the St Joe for summer steelhead...YES!...SUMMER STEELHEAD!)

( I am a blessed man to have these 2 books come out in 2013/2014!...have to give back to others for all the great knowledge that was handed down by many gifted mentors in my life!!...)

Saturday -February 8th- NOMAD- OKEMOS/LANSING MI
....  all appearances will feature power point show/Selectivity DVD program/fly tying and book signing

Thursday February 13th -Little Forks Outfitters- Midland, Michigan

Saturday, February 15th-Northern Angler- Traverse City- Michigan