Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog
Friday, October 4, 2013
FINALLY HERE!...pony express from the Orient takes awhile..:)The Amato folks did a great job with the 12 year anniversary edition. Thanks Kim , Tony Frank!.. available at Fish Amato/Amato Book store ..soft copy 34.95/hard copy 49.95- check with your local fly shops since I will be doing book signings/lectures there- look forward to meeting all my wonderful Facebook/Linkedin friends whom I have had the pleasure and honor of viewing and sharing all the wonderful posts ...'Selectivity- The Theory and Method of Fly Fishing Fussy Trout, Salmon and Steelhead' (Stackpole Books) is coming just around the next river bend- its my sentimental lifelong project ,passion and proud baby finally accomplished thanks to the excellent editing and direction of Jay Nichols cheers and na zdrowie !
( a view of a pool )
The Muskegon is experiencing one of the most massive in size and numbers runs of wild Chinook salmon I have ever steelhead and lake runs coming in also! We still have a few dates left for the fall/winter steelhead run and Torch Lake Atlantics