Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


IF YOU ARE A "TROUTBUM', and want to catch a sneak preview of my "SELECTIVITY-TROUT DVD', click here and enjoy!!!. It has been getting impressive reviews in AMERICAN ANGLER and FLY FISHERMAN''S next issue!

Sorry for the delay in posting. Between guiding for summer runs on the St. Joe, doing trips for trout and caddis on the Muskegon and putting the finishing touches on my new 'Selectivity' book, I have been running with alligators nipping!
 Cool nights, cool days!!!!! and BHAM!...............Chinook-King- salmon are all over the Pere Marquette, Manistee and YES!!!, in the Muskegon!... Last night watching trout slash caddis pupae at dusk , we saw several king salmon swim up very shallow gravel by the dam- they have jumped in our Gray Drake pool also.
 There are a ton more fresh summer steelhead in the St.Joe and Indiana's Trail creek.
(caddis images by Jon Miller- cinnamon pupa and green caddis larvae in pupal case)
 The heavy Hydropsyche cinnamon and green caddis hatches are starting on the Muskegon and we have hit some nice browns and rainbows.

ANOTHER WTF!!! MOMENT LAST FRIDAY ON THE MUSKEGON!!!!!!!!!!- Guiding and instructing the Markus's from Cleveland on the Muskegon, we had polar fleece on by 7 P.M.. Caddis (cinns.) were going crazy and we hit 6 browns between 13 and 17 inches that were fat footballs ( they looked like post steelhead/sucker/mayfly fish!) So, where the hell did these fish go all brutally hot summer and get so fat! They were not heat stressed and "slinkie and skinny" that you would think from the super heated up waters. Th caddis population, with the demise of the zebra mussels, have put so many caddis larvae in the water, the fish are just chowing down on them like pigs- regardless of the less then desirable water temps from the crazy heat...GO FIGURE!
 If you haven't made plans for fall salmon, steelhead and yes- Atlantic salmon-( remember that big fish we caught last year?).........we have been booking at a feverish pace and we only have a few more dates left.

My DVD- 'SELECTIVITY-TROUT', is having very nice reviews in AMERICAN ANGLER and the new FLY FISHERMAN, and will soon be available at our new "shopping cart' online! IF you are a "TROUTBUM', and want to see a sneak preview videographer Dr. Tom Harman did On VIMEO, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,TAKE A LOOK AND ENJOY- HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!

Don't forget to book your fall steelhead dates- they are going fast!

 Hope to see you!