Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Sorry for the long delay in posting!!! Had a very busy schedule before I left for vacation and had the pleasure of guiding some well known dignitaries before departure on the Muskegon.
 I have had the pleasure to fish the West Branch and main stem of the Delaware(NY/PA) the past few days before coming back to Michigan and what can I say but,,,,,,,,,,,,WOW!

                                        ( wild west branch hog brown above taken by Johnny Miller sight fished in shallows taking Iso nymphs-bright sun and water 48 F)
( wild Delaware rinbow on a size 18 sulpher emerger)

 Perfect flows, excellent weather and tons of sulphers, bwo's and Isonychias and wild browns and rainbows taking dries and shallow water sight  nymphing a.k.a. Johnny Miller style!,  with water at 580 cfs-perfect- and upper 40/low 50's water temps. Thanks to West Branch Angler Resort and longtime friend and guide Johnny Miller, we floated several days and got into some 'Patagonia sized " browns and rainbows. 
( main stem Delaware)
( awesome spotted wild and very, very selective west brtanch browns eating olives and sulphers)
The pictures and short video tell the story!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Muskegon conditions good with lots of caddis. Unfortunately the tuber/canoe/kayak hatch was out in full droves this past holiday weekend cause of the warmth and nice weather which made daytime fishing tough and frustrating.
Good numbers of summer steelhead in the St.Joe River with all the rain they had been getting!