Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Monday, May 16, 2011


Had an excellent day with the "steelhead guru- Dr. John Murphy and his neighbor Paul from Bloomfield Hills. Honest to Pete!.....I probably have at least 900 PLUS slide and digital images- no shit!..of this man with steelhead with me since 1997!) this dude can catch a steelhead in "a toilet bowl in the Bahamas!- I could build a monument to this mensch!).The pleasure with "Johnny" is all mine!)
Is what it is! Chrome will keep coming till June since this is a very late year. Morels have just sprung............BUT!.........PLEASE! don't kill these late spawners!!!....... Give them respect, angle them, kiss/quick photo them--- and let them go!
With these high water levels , drop-backs are making their way back to the big lake with ease- so mult-spawners?......  we will have next year if you don't feed them to "team IGLOO" .
So sorry if I pissed off anyone by "my blog " comments!( I'm sure the "killers" will mount the assault".....god bless!). Plenty of walleyes out in the back eddy areas for the skillet!.............DNR protects them ....not steelhead!( OXYMORON!)- and all the "jet boats' on the Muskegon are strictly targeting walleye- YAH-YUP!
(Paul with his first fly rod steelhead....his first steelhead period!....p.s... if any of you want to know why my left hand is always on the is because I want to stabilize the fish to get 1 or two  good exposures in 5 seconds and get it back in the water)
CHEERS!........and as Uncle Ricco says.."HAVE A NICE DAY!