Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

WELCOME 2011...........AND LET IT SNOW!!!

( the deep crimson cheeks of winter males are glowing this time of year!)
( our favorite time of year- winter!- Tony Gates of radio fame with a nice hen from last winter)

( Winter steelheaders box- fun stuff)

( Loch Leven wild strain Letort Spring brown on the Grim Reaper sculpin)

( Vince Marinaro's meadow in the Letort)

( lake-run brown time is here!)

Hope all had a great and happy holiday season! Sorry for the long delay in posting, but our family went back to the east coast to visit our families and I got a chance to fish the Letort Spring Run on New Years eve and day. That has been a tradition for as long as I could remember. It is a magnificent limestone spring creek in Pennsylvania's Cumberland valley with perhaps the most intelligent and skittish wild brown trout in the world! I did manage a nice 16 incher on my Grim Reaper sculpin after many hours and miles of walking the cow pasture spring. These are original descendants of the Loch Leven Scottish and German browns brought here in the late 1800's( watch for my You Tube video at my "flyfishingmichigan" You Tube channel to be out in the next week on the limestone spring creeks)

As for now , we are getting much needed snow pack( we are up to a whopping 6 inches), and the river has bounced up very nicely to 1,870 cfs-this is normal or slightly below normal but is higher than we have seen since perhaps spring( we are also getting the Hardy Dam draw down of water effective Jan 1). This will bring in much desired fresh chrome steelhead and lake- run browns which really get going around January and February on the Muskegon.

Winter is our favorite time of year to steelhead and lake-run fish.............solitude and beautiful winter scenery!

Check out or winter steelheading specials and our culinary winter weekend getaways at our web site.

We are now booking prime dates for spring steelhead....don't wait if you have dates in mind!- we'ld love to see you this spring !