Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Monday, January 31, 2011


Saturday, January 29th. Air temp-upper teens-low twenties. Wind chill- single digits. Muskegon river,. Michigan. Water temp- 33.8 F.
Angler- Dr.Grace Smith. Pediatric Cardiologist from Akron, Ohio. Avid steelheader and trout chaser.Frequent fly plyer of Lake Erie's "steelhead alley". Loves the west coast,PA spring creeks, Colorodo's South Platte and Jackson Hole Cutts-bows.First trip to Michigan for steelhead.
Wants: To catch a steelhead in the coldest weather in the dead of winter when the creeks and rivers are not frozen -up like they are in "steelhead alley".
Toughness; Lasted 8 plus hours on Saturday perfecting her drifts and presentation without complaining about her hands and and feet- that is one tough lady!
Accomplishments: Landed a gorgeous 12 pound chrome winter Michigan strain steelhead at 4:00 p.m near dusk guiding with yours truly.

Had the pleasure of guiding Grace Saturday and  as Austin Powers would say, "the pleasure was all mine!" She was an addict for steelheading information, is a great fly tyer and is falling into a female legacy of great lady steelheaders started by the ' ground zero steelhead queen'- Shawn Murphy. Why women are so keen in steelheading revolves around their extreme focus and concentration factor.Grace had tons of karma and steelheading zen- not to mention cold weather tenacity!
 She is a Sage/Simms person, but she fell in love with the Orvis 10ft. 7 wght. Hydros for its lightness and ability to protect  a 3x tippet with iced-up guides. The Mirage LA purred with its sealed drag system and is the perfect and true tension keeping reel for iced up and cold conditions. I believe she has been converted.
Her fly was my # 10 Great Lakes Mysis Otter shrimp in baby pink.
 Congratulations Grace!- the steelhead gods are smiling down for your next encounter in the spring.
 Tight Lines from yours truly,
Your winter steelheading pimp daddy, Supinsk-dog
P.S, you can't catch a winter steelhead sitting home and complaining about the weather- JUST DO IT! Gosh I love this stuff!