Matthew Supinski's Gray Drake Lodge/Selectivity/Nexus Blog

Sunday, December 5, 2010


( nice deep winter lie buck on a Great Lakes mykiss shrimp)

Winter is here! It has been on and off snowing for a week, with a good pelting today! We were up north of Traverse City Friday and it was brutal!
Water level has come up on the Muskegon- 1450 cfs, and water temp. is 41F. Steelhead and browns are settling into winter lies and swinging flies is done slower and with more deliberate presentations. Deep nymphing will be a more preferred technique with egg patterns and small leeches as water temps continue to drop. We have seen a few very nice lake-run browns caught in the last out of the Gray Drake pool!

Look for an awesome YOU Tube video coming out in the next few days that our guide Drew and I shot on some Northwood Atlantics..........UNBELIEVABLE!!!! footage of very aggressive large kype jawed males attacking big sculpin leeches underwater!

Fresh chrome steelhead were caught off the surf last week in the big lake , so a new push of chrome is coming! Full moon is coming(large migrations take place due to the steelhead/ lake-run browns Pineal gland running 24/7 during this time) and a warm-up by next weekend.
We have Holiday Gift Certificates available and they have been selling well!

( and BTW......."CHUMMING" LOOSE SALMON EGGS IS ILLEGAL IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN!) case you or your guide didn't know that!)